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When I first met Steph Curry

This is a Story of motivation to the dreamers and Visionaries out there. : Being that I'm a Record producer, I was scrolling through my phone finding some quotes that I had in my camera roll and for some reason, I had this picture from my iCloud that was from years ago and I thought I should share my mind of inspiration and tell this story that has motivated me today and for the rest of this week. Plus I want to also past this along to at least one individual that happens to read this. This was at NBA All-Star weekend in L.A. back in 2011. And this was only Steph Curry's 2nd season I think. When I went to the Saturday festivities, Steph was at this booth while everyone,(Fans,Media,Journalists,Security,Staff, Etc.) Was rushing to go watch the all star practice that day. Steph curry wasn't a all star at the time but he competed in the skills challenge later on that evening, which he ended up winning. And he was suppose to be at this booth for two hours earlier that day just signing autographs. At this booth, and I can't make this up, it was only one lady directing the line which it wasn't a line it was myself and maybe 5 people. When I went to this event. It was so much going on with different players from the NBA that didn't make the all star team but they were doing other things with the kids and I saw bigger lines, and more security directing traffic. But with Steph Curry at this booth, it was only one lady and 5 people in this line. He looked so bored but yet so professional because it was hardly a line. When I saw Steph curry I knew who he was. And I just wanted to network with anybody that I saw. I still lived in LA. And if you're half famous, that's still a opportunity to get a picture or something. And the line was so small I just walked up to Steph and held a conversation since everyone walked passed him. And I mean, Thousands of people walked passed him. All star weekend was held at the convention center in downtown Los Angeles so it was a lot of people present. And Nobody paid him or the line to get a autograph from him any attention. It was all about going to watch the practice and other festivities. Something told me (God told me) "you need to go take a picture and introduce yourself." " Go get a signature and introduce yourself". Twice that was ringing in my head. I met Steph and he was a chill humbled dude. Crazy that nobody knew 7 years from now he's known as a two time MVP, and two time NBA World Champion. And the NBA's greatest shooter of all time. Now he's in popular demand with the greats. Rather if we want to salute that or not, he's now one of the most popular players or athletes in the world and not just in basketball. He's mentioned in songs, magazines, and also in commercials. So to the Dreamers : You gotta start somewhere, and take advantage of the process and longevity and not just rush to popularity overnight. When you first start out, you're not gonna hit a million followers, a million in your bank. The hottest individual might overlook you and you might not gain respect early on. Usually overnight success as I learned, can take 7 to 10 years. With curry it has been that. People may never buy your art or your album etc. but you gotta stick with it and eventually people will follow you wherever no matter how long it takes. Everybody no matter what generation it is, Past,Present,Future they love consistency. It might take longer than 10 years but do what you love and eventually success will follow. So Now Steph Curry, when he gets autographs and takes pictures with fans. I bet you it's a full line that stands outside for him to meet people. I'm glad I was able to recognize greatness before it actually happened before our eyes. He went from cool, and quiet Steph with a small following to now smoking a Cigar after the warriors win a championship. Salute to you Steph ! Congrats on the title. Blessed to say I was able to network with a champion that day.... D.Rimson 

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